The Top Ten Benefits of Light on the International Day of Light

The International Day of Light is an important day of the year. This day is celebrated annually to inform people about the benefits of light in their daily lives. It also aims to tell us the impact of this energy on our lives.
Mountains view

The International Day of Light is an important day of the year. This day is celebrated annually to inform people about the benefits of light in their daily lives. It also aims to tell us the impact of this energy on our lives. This article will also discuss other topics like the history of this day, types of light, sources of light, speed of light, etc. This reading will be helpful for people who want to know about light.

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International Day of Light

This day is commemorated annually to enlighten people about the essentiality of light. On this day, people all around the globe come together to join hands to educate people. The International Day of Light also informs us about light’s history and offers energy advice. Without light, there would be no life on Earth. On the International Day of Light, people suggest their ideas for exploring and learning more about light. This day provides a global platform for everyone to share their views, opinions, and suggestions for the betterment of the day.

History of this Day

As we know, the International Day of Light is observed every year on May 16th. This day is a tribute to the first successful laser operation in 1960 by physicist and engineer Theodore Maiman.

The year 2015 was first celebrated as the International Year of Light. After the success of this year and light-based technologies, UNESCO proclaimed the International Day of Light annually. They selected May 16th every year as the International Day of Light. In 2018, the entire world celebrated this day. Scientists celebrate this day with passion and a new theme every year.

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Sources of Light

If we talk about the sources of light, there are many types divided into two categories: natural sources and artificial sources of light.

First, we will discuss natural sources; the sun is the most significant source of natural light. If we see other references, fire, the moon, stars, and lightning are the primary natural light sources.

We will now enlighten the artificial light sources, and there are too many light sources. They are light bulbs, torches, fireworks, etc.

The Top Ten Benefits of Light

There are too many benefits from light in our lives. It is said that our lives are impossible without light. Light is essential in all aspects of life. Now, we will discuss the top ten benefits of light that everyone must know. We will discuss both types of light here; natural and artificial light.

1. It helps in Seeing

We are all aware that darkness never lets us see anything. So, artificial lights are the only way to see something in the dark. Light also helps us in making our life cycle easier.

There are lights in the hall and is dark on the sides.

2. It keeps us healthy

Sun is the largest natural source of light. A human being gets vitamin D directly from the sun. Vitamin D keeps the bones strong, and it helps in absorbing calcium. It also helps human beings stay psychologically intense.

Sun light keeps us healthy.

3. Positive Psychological Effects

Natural light has shown positive results in our psychological issues. It helps us improve our mood, raising well-being, productivity, and overall happiness.

The man suffers the positive psychological effect.

4. Improves Productivity

Light plays an essential role in productivity. As we know, life is nothing without productivity. Light helps us stay committed to our tasks. We manage our tasks with light, like getting up in the sun and working in daylight. We have to do some work at night, so artificial light at night helps us perform activities on time.

Professor is explaining to his students.

5. Provide Energy Efficiency

Natural sources of light are responsible for providing us with energy efficiency. In the daylight, we usually keep our lights turned off because of the sunlight. It helps us to save energy for upcoming times. Sunlight also helps reduce our electricity bills.

The sunlight provides energy.

6. It helps in keeping the house clean

It is believed that light helps keep houses clean. The primary reason, we can say, is that homes are usually cleaned in the morning when the light comes into them. The natural light alarms us to get up. Mold thrives in the dark, so we need to make our homes friendly with sunlight to protect them from insects and fungi.

Sunlight helps keep the house clean.

7. Natural Light Helps in Photosynthesis

We all know that plants need sunlight to make their food through photosynthesis. It is a process by which green plants and other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. Light converts water, carbon dioxide, and other minerals into oxygen.

The plant is receiving photosynthesis with the help of natural light.

8. Artificial Light Provides Extra Working Time

In this time of innovation, we usually see many people working late into the night. Working at night is possible due to artificial lights; working in darkness is impossible for anyone. It is how light provides us with extra working time to survive.

The man is working in the light of the lamp.

9. Modify our livelihood

As we can see, it isn’t easy to spend the night in darkness. Light provides a source to enjoy work at night and is also very helpful in modifying our living places. Nowadays, we decorate our rooms, even our houses, with lights.

The girl is spending the night with the help of a light.

10. Reduce Crime Rates

Criminal behavior is directly connected to the darkness. Poor visibility is a factor that threatens human life. Artificial light has played a vital role in reducing the crime rate. It shows that light is directly involved in the prevention of human beings.

The prisoner put his hands out of the prison.


After reading these passages, we can say that light is as essential as oxygen for human beings. Light has too many positive effects on our lives. There are different types and sources of light. Natural light helps us maintain good health, and artificial sources have made our lives easier in the nighttime. This energy helps in our behavior improvements. After seeing the benefits of light, we need to improve the lighting systems of our houses, cities, and the world.