Top Ten Ways to Say “I Love You” in French

The French language is also a language of love. France is considered one of the most famous countries in music, culture, poetry, and even the arts. With this love, this article will walk you through the top ten ways to say "I Love You" in French.
A Ring box with red flowers on the floor

Every day is a perfect time for falling in love. But expressing love in a specific language, like French, sounds more romantic. The French language is also a language of love. France is considered one of the most famous countries in music, culture, poetry, and even the arts. usually associated with terms like love, elegance, romance, and passion. With this love, this article will walk you through the top ten ways to say “I Love You” in French.

A History of Love in France:

It is not surprising that there are many different ways to say “I love you” in different languages, but expressing your love in French sounds 100% more romantic than in any other language.

There are many reasons behind French love, but one is historical. In the 12th century, people embraced the meaning of love and expressed love through courtship, songs, dance, and literature.

At that time, France was the first country to celebrate the notion of romance and dispel the myth that true love doesn’t exist.

According to Cambridge University Press, out of 7,117 languages worldwide, only the French language is considered the most beautiful spoken language. This language is linguistically smooth and flowy because of its combined nasal vowel sounds.

Why Learn How to Say I Love You in French?

Confess your love to your favorite person in a language of love. Check out why you should learn to talk about love or express your feelings of love in French.

  1. You’ll be able to watch French movies and TV shows and easily understand the things they talk about.
  2. You’ll be able to express your love to your loved ones without hesitation or difficulty.
  3. You’ll be able to read the most romantic books and novels in French.

Top Ten Ways to Say “I Love You in French: 

Ready to make someone special go head over heels and fall further for you? Just express your feelings and say out loud, “I LOVE YOU today in French using our list of options below.” 

1. Je t’aime: 

In English, “Je t’aime” is translated as “I Love You.” Je t’aime , is the most common way of confessing love to your better half. And never use this word with friends and family.

 2. Je t’aime beaucoup.

Translation: “I am fond of you.” You can use this phrase while talking with friends to tell them how much you like them.

 3. Je t’adore: 

Translation: “I adore you.” If you want to express how much you worship your partner, you can also say this phrase with Je t’aime, as it has a strong effect.

 4. Je t’aime tellement.

Translation: “I love you so much.” Including “so much” in every expression can give you an extra point with your loved one as it seems a more beautiful way of saying it.

5. Je te desire:

This phrase is translated as “I want you.” Say this phrase with “I love you,” and your partner will feel passionate toward you.

6. Je suis tombé/e amoureux/amoureuse de toi 

“Je suis tombé,” which is translated as “I’ve fallen in love with you.” Similar to English expressions, where you match the speaker with masculine or feminine variants. Also, note that the preposition is de (of; from) and not avec (with).

7. Tu es l’amour de ma vie.

This love phrase is translated as “You are the love of my life.”. This French phrase expresses your deep feelings and loves for your special one, whom you love from the core of your heart.

8. Je t’aime de toute mon âme.

“I love you with all of my soul.” It’s the most precious way of expressing your feelings in front of them. And your partner will feel like the luckiest person on the earth after hearing this type of love feeling.

9. Tu comptes tant pour moi

Translation: “You mean so much to me.” A key phrase for shy people to express their feelings. If you’re feeling a little shy about confessing your love. Say this phrase in front of your partner to check out their reaction.

10. Tu me complètes. (You complete me.)

This phrase uses a reflexive form, which means that the object of love and fulfillment goes before the verb rather than after it.

In addition, you can also use this phrase to describe someone else’s love. As an example, Elle te complète (she completes you) or Vous le/la complétez (you complete him/her).


Now, through all these ways, you can navigate your way to expressing your love in French. And don’t be afraid to let yourself tomber amoureux (fall in love).

As George Sand said, “Il n’y a qu’un bonheur dans la vie, c’est d’aimer et d’être aimé.” (“There is but one happiness in life: it’s to love and to be loved.”). No matter which way you say it,