Top Ten Steps to take on world day against Child labor

The purpose of writing this article is to let the readers that child labor is danger to our future. You and I need to stand against this to protect the future of the world as well as children of our own. We need to understand!
child labors

The purpose of writing this article is to let the readers that child labor is a danger to our future. You and I need to stand against this to protect the future of the world as well as children of our own. We need to understand that child labor keeps the children deprived of their rights and it also harms their physical and mental health. Let’s take a look at how can we stop this.

Q. What is child labor?

Child labor refers to making children work and earn a livelihood instead of providing them with education and basic needs. This deprives children of their basic rights and also is harmful to their mental and physical health. It is illegal in many states but despite that many parents send their children to work.

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Reasons for child labor

There are many reasons that force children to work, a few of them are below:

  1. Poverty
  2. Drug addict parents
  3. Inaccessibility to education
  4. Abusive households
  5. Limited income

Child labor in Pakistan

Child labor in Pakistan is very common. Many children are sent to work instead of school and most of them are physically, mentally, and even sexually abused in their workplaces. Such children have violent parents and this is why they don’t refuse to work.

There are almost 20% of children in Pakistan go to work every morning.

Top Ten Ideas to Celebrate World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5th to raise alertness and information and encourage actions to escape the abode. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly.You can read more about Top Ten Ideas to Celebrate World Environment Day.

World day against child labor

The International Labor Organisation (ILO) introduced world day against child labor in 2002. It is celebrated on the 12th of June every year. They felt the need of this day to spotlight the level of child labor all around the world. 

Top ten steps to take on world day against child labor

1. Don’t hire minors

The rate of child labor is getting higher day by day because it’s easy for people to get work out of children since they listen to instructions and are scared to say no to instructors. The first step we need to take is to stop hiring children.  We also should talk to negotiate with other people who hire minors and tell them to hire someone older. 

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Don't hire minors on World day against child labor

2. Spread awareness

Another thing that we all should do is spread awareness about child labor. We should let know people that it is harming the generation and future of our country. On the other hand, we should be aware people about the fact that this is illegal and that legal action can be taken against anyone who hires minors.

Spread awareness on World day against child labor

3. Make education easy to access

Making education easy to access can be a challenging task. In fact, you and I cannot do it by ourselves so we should communicate with the people who can. There are many organizations working for the welfare and they can arrange access to education for children who are sent to work.

Make education easy to access on World day against child labor

4. Fundraising

Raise funding instead of donating because there are many organizations performing fraud and filling their accounts. If you want to help children get an education and keep them away from child labor then raise funding and give money to trustworthy hands. This step of yours will help many children to get what they deserve and what’s their rights.

Fundraising on World day against child labor

5. Contact legislators

This step will not only stop one specific person from promoting child labor but alert others around you.  If you see someone making children work you should stop them. After you have told them twice or thrice that this is wrong as well as illegal you should contact the lawmakers. Those who make law will tell them the consequences of their actions. If they don’t even listen to legislators, they will be handover to the police and bear the punishment.

Contact legislators on World day against child labor

6. Boycott firms that promote child labor

Every time you work with a company or a firm, make sure they don’t promote child labor. If you know a firm that hires minors, then you should not work with them or buy their goods or services. Your boycott will make them suffer loss and teach them their lesson.

Boycott firms that promote child labor on World day against child labor

7. Educate yourself

Educate yourself about the disadvantages of child labor and how it can affect the future of the whole nation. Correct your beliefs if there’s a small corner in your heart that makes you believe it’s not wrong to make children work. This nation needs the contribution of you all to stop it.

Educate yourself on World day against child labor

8. Educate people around you

When you live in a society, it’s your prime duty to educate people around you. You should tell everyone how child labor affects your society as well as the future of the nation. Many people around you might not know that this is illegal and might suffer consequences because of their ignorance.

Educate people around you on World day against child labor

9. Help or find help for needy families

If you see any child working, first you should find a reason why are they working. Suppose the children have a genuine reason like there’s no one else to work then you should help the children.  Presume you can’t provide help or your help is not enough then you should find them help using your resources like social media.

Help or find help for needy families on World day against child labor

10. Keep in touch with NGOs

Sometimes you really want to help people but you can’t decide who needs help the most than you. For this purpose, you should keep in touch with Non-Governmental organizations working to stop child labor. Instead of just donating, staying in touch will keep you aware of their way of working. NGOs, unlike government institutes, work without any financial help from the government that’s why they need us to help them.

Keep in touch with NGOs on World day against child labor


In conclusion, child labor is the worst thing that can happen to any nation. It keeps children deprived of their right to education and right to security as it is dangerous for children. It affects children mentally and physically. We all need to stand against this and send children to school instead of work.  The future of every nation depends on the future of its young generation. 20% of our young generation working instead of getting an education should already scare us.


What is the current state of child labor globally?

Child labor remains a pressing issue worldwide, with millions of children still engaged in various forms of work instead of attending school and enjoying their childhood.

Why is it essential to address child labor in today’s society?

Addressing child labor is crucial because it not only deprives children of their fundamental rights but also hampers their physical and mental development, ultimately impacting the future of society as a whole.

What are some effective ways individuals can contribute to the fight against child labor?

Individuals can contribute by raising awareness, supporting organizations working to eradicate child labor, advocating for policies that protect children’s rights, and ensuring responsible consumption by boycotting products made using child labor.

How can communities and governments collaborate to combat child labor?

Communities and governments can collaborate by implementing and enforcing laws against child labor, providing access to quality education and social services for vulnerable families, and promoting economic opportunities for adults to reduce reliance on child labor.

What role do businesses play in addressing child labor?

Businesses can play a significant role by ensuring ethical supply chains, conducting regular audits to detect and prevent child labor in their operations, and supporting initiatives that promote education and child welfare in the communities where they operate.